Tips for decorating the kitchen table!

Home 9 Furniture 9 Tips for decorating the kitchen table!

Hello everyone! This morning while having my breakfast (coffee, croissants, orange juice), I told myself that I could offer you an original subject and one which concerns us daily! Have you ever wanted to decorate your kitchen table? Here are a few ideas and tips which should inspire you!

Decorate your kitchen table for a tastier appearance!

Decorate your kitchen table for a tastier appearance!

Fun and colorful placemats

To decorate your table dare to use fun filled decorative objects! For example, I recently purchased a placemat which increases appetite! Chocolate candies …let me tell you that sure makes me hungry first thing in the morning!

Also bear in mind that the placemats also foster a good mood! So don’t hold back!

A designer fruit basket

Making a fruit basket the centerpiece is not only useful, but can also be a great decorative touch.

Be careful however, we don’t just take any old basket…select it keeping in mind the style of your kitchen, and ensure that it matches your table and placemats.

I personally opted for a steel basket, very fashionable and trendy! They are available in most decoration shops.

A bright table for a good humor!

A bright table for a good humor!

A bright table for a good humor!

And of course if you wish to add a special touch and pep up your kitchen, give preference to a white table! Your kitchen will become a more cheerful place, morning, noon and night!

Enjoy your meal!

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